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at the website of the Bruderheim REA since March 27, 2002

Scanning of text — Introduction
OCR acsuracy at 75dpi scanning resolution
OCR acsuracy at 150dpi scanning resolution
OCR acsuracy at 300dpi scanning resolution

Scanning of Text — comparison between ASCII text and JPG files produced

OCR accuracy when scanning at 75 dpi resolution

~yr ~~~'n• ' rr~-r ~
liaJ' n m

but govt has final word - PMO

(.:«if~"»4l ~'4•« S·nfcr

A .ipoteipensoTi foT prtme UM»a
PBU) ~.~311 reipectfuUy
rebuffed Sut-
mday rhe lafe~t critfaiMO by Pope Jnhn
PaulB nfttre Literal govaninenfa plon
to liitroduae ]e~ladann dnipponinX
~amt·fwr amege

?bt charBnwrrespecttadbfiJ-
msnerofs3me-susu manui~e unj
dEOSion on (hilt iSfUc wiU be rak.err by
the ParfmmenT of Canada," MelsTiie
, Martin's 5 pohKweinai];, said
vii'hcn hifonned Q(<]w Rrp~'ss tridasna
during a [neetinKwith Cwiada'6 MM'
10 the Vatican.
Sn MAKk}M:t: > AJO

A1 0 WNWf. MPTEMBHt S. 2W4


Law risks 'false understanding,' Pope says

(:A«(J«»lf (rim .4J

OTU£T, htAv~w. adtied [hat Fihf did not
know what. If .'Jiy, I mp-ict t h e Pcipc's crit-
ksm Mtghr h8ve W i~l~'>'idual MTs:.
wil] hi1W [0 rrl#e "in Lc~slarion l}]e Lit~
b;rL~ have proTTiKed to intiTJdtKi?.

The sovcrciincnt h;ls asked tlw
Slr[rceme&127; G~uTtofLitfr77 rowrils
loRiZ[Btlofl, whk'Sl I:: opposed by thi:

RuTTian Catholic ChunA. M w<U as by
CDciMTvatT.< Lcadtr lephenn Harper
and ml-lllVOlhe~'MP'•!•
Donald Smith, C~nadB's new iMbe~
~k.lczrr [0
The Vatican, mctthi?p<»rifTSai'
urdPiy PopcJcihn
Paul Wied ihe meemln
ro reitiSTalcthi: churth'o Opp<«it»T1 ta k-
gal inf; &.=um-sex maJ)i'~ce-
"Thu iTLitilUTiorT irfmsrria~ nec~ar-
Jycntrlils lhe ca SI] ereentarilyofhuJS-
l1!;'ir'id.S Mid
wives who participate III

God's creflive aa»fty thuxigh tiK nis*
Ingofchjldren, tht!
Pope reporr~yyy
"Spougw ihereb~'chcure rhr swvi~a]
ofsQdrtyand ci>i1ture, BP~ rightly de-
a;T>~ Spedfic .TJK] ~ ri=maricft3 LtXai TM.~
rich:»n fav the stllte"
KewwiKd smitht~arsaaffH*•a»~UQlon8
cr~teeee a "hisc unJfrsUlndJ llg"~ (te in-
sriFution of iTUirTulge.

"Any aMMptS lO'ch~ff AK inttnfc~
at' chr WLI rd 'spoiw' ooTrtiates right iea-
son; ~ri~rc~Hn[ECS,analQgDua MthftM
to TTJarTiagc, cannot btf <Uppfle<3
unions betwiccl persTJnJS <rfih<f mn#


without aceadJi~ a fake under'
*andtn?ofthe n«ure cf mafTTa~.'
The cririwmis only (he L'ttettofsfv-
ctal artcT~ptsbyThe Romnn Catholic
ChUfth to deter Ottawa fTCTn filkv~g
S;1IIK·S~K nuirisXi
in JlICK-, Ottawa'3 RaniaTi Carholk
rvchbish p hJJJJJ
a private phone mn-
ve rleatj w w t h Prim i? Mh~aci- Pau t ~fa~-
a Carholic, l'ibOtll rhc CtHiflict be-
tween hisTdigion ftnti M9 p.1H»~ $taftd
on sarn~-sei marTiai??aJid abortion.
Af~bishop Marce] Gcnrai~,, wh.n rhe
rvc3rdl~car sayi h
the prime minirt~ss
personal p~tOr. foltowed up on the

phoM c»E vriih a Inter n Mardn.
GervAlu hai crlrldzcd t'ormer
nuniOer JeflTi Chiftien. olJK» a Catholic
ardathe~fr~T7W•o:at~]ne< ll•Jinia<;'fti!wer
support mr eme-,Pgr m;irrrHe~s
»nd abfJTtJun
The <ifTJi bliihop. who Hlas ~'Kltilwwl fh
hmSy o] lJ:>n.k>a Oni, h?er~BjJaile
Ccy 0.101 r~f rii S.) i untd,l.

While thT~&127; pmr?nt•ft•! — c;ruehtr; On-
iBrioandBritt~ c~ambw~- l~readyai-
iow sunc-sex murTlafie, 081~da's Fda-
lions r,Jth che
Vatian fiB~ been FTrairr?d
CRPII CHlava'S pliUi ¹ b~zrlhr sarrm~-i

The text file by itself will require 4 seconds to be downloaded via a 28.8 kbs dial-up connection, which is about a second longer than more intelligible versions of the text.  The difference in download time is apparently due to the large number of special characters substituted by the OCR software.

Legibility of the JPG file version (82 kB) of the scanned text at 75 dpi resolution is acceptable.

Posted 2004 09 06