November 21, 2002
Here's a note on this that I
originally sent out on Nov 4:
You can listen to the Suzuki interview on a show called Late Night Live at:
[The link is not functioning. WHS]
Dr. Suzuki comes on after the half hour, and the comments referenced below occur at
about the 49:00 minute mark.
Here is what's said, in regards to Canada's ratification of Kyoto:
Suzuki: "Well, I don't want to drop names, but I just got an e-mail from my
secretary that said the prime minister wanted to talk to me."
Dr. Suzuki then claims this has "never, ever happened" before.
He presumes the call is about Kyoto, because Alberta -- "our Texas" and
"the richest province in the country" -- has launched a multi-million
dollar advertising campaign that is "just kicking the hell out of the prime
To which the show's host, Phillip Adams, a film-maker and former director of Greenpeace
Australia replies, "I've just had a call from him and he's going to go to a vote
before Parliament rises before Christmas, and he wanted me to pass that on to you."
Suzuki: "I knew that, Jean. Thank you."
It seems bizarre that the PMO would call an ABC host to relay a message to Suzuki, yet
both men played this entirely straight, and neither seemed to think it remarkable. |