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at the website of the Bruderheim REA since March 27, 2002

Global Warming Explained
Climate forecasts
What is wrong with the forecasts
The solar constant
The Little Ice Age
Is the Earth warming up or not?
Tree rings
Droughts, sand dunes, and wells that dry up
Greenhouse gases
Glaciers, polar ice and rising oceans
If only we had a bit of global warming

Global Warming Explained

A proof is a proof. What kind of proof? It's a proof. A proof is proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it is proven.

Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, when
referring to the possibility of Saddam Hussein's production of weapons of mass destruction. [*]

A similar approach to asserting "the truth" was used by Jean Chretien, Paul Anderson, Paul Martin and other prominent Canadian politicians in their propaganda campaign to have Canadians accept massive asset transfers from Canadians to underdeveloped nations by means of buying indulgences in the form of carbon credits from developing nations to have Canada atone for its inability to comply with the provisions of the Kyoto accord.
   According to Lorne Gunter,

...."Moving Forward on Climate Change: A Plan for Honouring Our Kyoto Commitment," isn't a plan so much as it is a wisp of smoke that seems to have shape until you actually try to touch it.

It's full of talk of reducing Canada's so-called greenhouse emissions by 270 megatonnes by 2012, just seven years from now - a one-third reduction from current levels. And it puts numbers on where Ottawa intends to achieve reductions - a 75 to 115 megatonne reduction from the Climate Fund, 55 to 85 megatonnes from the Partnership Fund, 45 megatonnes from Large Final Emitters, GHG Reduction Programs (up to 40 megatonnes), Carbon Sinks (30 megatonnes), Renewable Energy (15) and so on.

But while it prattles on for over 50 pages about all Canadians playing "their fair part in helping Canada honour its Kyoto target" and facilitating "Canada's transition towards a low-carbon economy," the document doesn't actually say much about how these targets will be achieved.

Simply stating a target doesn't make it a reality. Nor is a plan anything more than a fantasy without a credible implementation strategy - and Project Green doesn't have one.

Frankly, I am relieved.

Sure I hate this "plan." I hate it's price tag ($10 billion). I hate it's indigestible mix of bureaucratic fudge and environmental nuts and flakes.

But it could have been worse - a lot worse. It could actually have been serious.

Yes, it will be ineffectual. No, this outline will never help us meet our Kyoto targets. True, that makes the money spent a huge waste (a bigger boondoggle than the gun registry according to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation)....

 Lorne Gunter, in
Liberals' Kyoto plan full of hot air
Sunday 17 May 2005; p. A15  

Paul Martin, Sheila Cobbs and Jean Chretien, three politicians caught lying to the people.
Pinocchios – Courtesy Tim Rotheisler & The REPORT


A few key-news items that relate to the global-warming hype and hysteria

Snow comes earlier and leaves later in Alberta, putting the lie to claims of "global warming".

Spring 2009 in Alberta

Spring 2009 in Alberta

June 9th, 2009: No global warming here.

Spring 2009 in Alberta

June 9th, 2009: No global warming here.

Spring 2007 in Alberta

Spring 2007 in Alberta

Apr. 19, 2007: Despite the hype regarding the global warming trend (at the rate of 1°F for all of the last century), Alberta is not a beneficiary of that today.  It has been a long and cold Spring so far this year.  Daily temperatures at the current time are 10°C below the long-term norm for this time of the year (Bruderheim night-time lows for April 18 and 19 were about 0°C, while the day-time high for Apr. 19 was 2°C), and today the area SE from the City of Edmonton was hard-hit by a bad snow storm that knocked down power lines in the service areas of Fortis and Battle River REA, leaving thousands of residents and about 2,000 homes, farms and businesses without power, necessitating emergency shelters to be put into operation.

Massive power outage
Apr, 19 2007 - 6:30 AM

EDMONTON/630 CHED - Fortis Alberta is working to restore electricity to a large chunk of central Alberta.

Power is out in Camrose, Tofield, Daysland, Ministik, Ferintosh, The County of Camrose and Beaver County and Riley...as well as surrounding area.

Weather is blamed but the cause of this massive power failure southeast of Edmonton has not been determined.

The Tofield School and CW Sears School in Tofield and Riley School are closed today because of the power failure.

No buses will be running.  (Source 630 CHED)

More on the power outage in central Alberta
Some global-warming alarmists claim that even colder weather is man-made.  It seems hardly possible that every turn of the weather can be caused by global warming and that all of that is man-made, but they claim otherwise. 
   They feel that something must cause the weather to change for the worse, and that cannot possibly be Nature.  Therefore it must be mankind that causes everything bad. After all, so some people claim, the world without people would be perfect, therefore the world can be perfected only if we get rid of humanity, whom they see as a cancer on the face of the Earth.  So, they initiate a witch hunt.  That has happened before when superstitions triumphed over hard and cold scienctific facts.
   When the weather trends took a turn for the worse during the onset of the Little Ice Age the witch hunts started, intensified every time the Little Ice Age intensified and didn't stop until the Little Ice Age abated. (See: Climatic Change and Witch-Hunting, by historian Wolfgang Behringer — off-site)

Spring 2005 in Alberta

Spring 2005 in Alberta
Apr. 29, 2005:

After some snow and -5.5°C the night before, the tulips were hanging their heads a bit. The temperature never went above freezing that day.  That was what we saw in Bruderheim of the massive cold wave that dumped 53 cm of snow in Ohio.

Spring 2005 in Alberta
Apr. 30, 2005:

The following morning things weren't much better.  It had snowed some more, and the temperature had dropped to
-4.8°C over night, rising to 2.4°C during the day.
Mind you, today, the 1st of May, 2005, the day-time high was 9.8°C.  It seems that the tulips will recover. 

Fall 2004 in Alberta

Fall 2004 in Alberta
Sep. 9, 2004; The thermometer read 40°F,

 but that is wrong.  It got knocked off by the wind a couple of times during the short and cooler than average summer we had.  That affected its accuracy.  The true temperature at the time was 0.1°C (32°F)

Fall 2004 in Alberta
At the same time, this was the view across the backyard.

Harvesting of the wheat crop is normally about 30 - 50% finished at this time of the year.  But this is not a normal year, and the harvesting is only about 5% done.

Spring 2003 in Alberta

Spring 2003 in Alberta)
Apr. 27, 2003

Morning view from our door to the garden. That is what global warming is like? Wouldn't we love to hear David Suzuki explain that? However, lately he's been keeping strangely quiet. Could it be that his alarmist ideology is under the weather of one of the coldest winters the northern hemisphere experienced in the last five decades?

Spring 2004 in Alberta
May 5, 2003

View at noon from our window upstairs to the north. The temperature was 0°C (32°F) at the time the photo was taken.  It was snowing and had been snowing uninterruptedly and very lightly in most of Alberta since the morning of the previous day.  There are still no explanations from pop-scientists like David Suzuki and his collaborating climate alarmists. It looks as if they'll just lie low and wait things out.
   If only they would drop out completely.  Think of how much that would save us in taxes — about $3,000 per year per capita.  That is the price that we will be paying for Paul Martin's $10 billion scheme for asset transfers from Canada to underdeveloped nations, whereby we can pollute if we pay fines to them.


A few news items relating to the global-warming hype and hysteria:

  • The calculations done by General Circulation Models (GCMs) are the main source of the information that fuels the global warming hysteria.  Nevertheless, not one of them comes acceptably close to accurately calculating what the climate presently is at any location, let alone of the whole Earth.  Not only that, but all of the GCMs differ widely from one another as to what the climate was in the past, and as to what it is supposed to be in the future.

    Therein lies the problem.  No one in his right mind will base any decisions about the future on tools that cannot determine with acceptable accuracy what the present is and the past was.

  • The Past and Future of Climate

By David Archibald, Ph.D., May, 2007 (Full Article — 377 kB PDF file, off-site)

From the article:

Global warming with and without man-made CO2
The anthropogenic (man-made) contribution to the average global annual temperature values is the difference between the green line (temperatures resulting only from all natural causes) and the black line (temperatures that result from all natural and anthropogenic causes).

An overview of David Archibald's findings about the correlation between solar activity trends and climate trends is contained in this record of a slide presentation he gave:

Solar Cycle 24: Implications for the United States

David Archibald
International Conference on Climate Change
March, 2008

He makes no bones about that,

AGW Proponents are Exactly Wrong

  1. The Earth is getting colder and this will accelerate.

  2. Carbon dioxide has a minuscule warming effect.

  3. Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide will increase agricultural productivity.

  4. The ideal atmospheric carbon dioxide level is a minimum of 1,000 ppm

He states in the last slide of his presentation:

Implications for the United States

  1. The climate-driven reduction in agricultural production should be planned for.

  2. Coal-fired power generation should be increased.

  3. Coal to liquid fuels capacity should be installed.

It would be a good thing for anyone who doubts the accuracy of those assertions to look through the whole presentation and the comments David Archibald provided. Understand the evidence and reasoning (that will only take a few minutes).  After all, some of the most eminent climate scientists in the world agree with David Archibald.

Gallery of Temperature Change Data (off-site)

    This is the most comprehensive compendium of temperature graphs I have seen.  It quite nicely illustrates that the only constant of climate change is constant change.  The graphs cover records and reconstructions of temperatures covering intervals ranging from 1980 - 2007 to 542 million years before the present to now.  The gallery shows ten graphs in all.

    And, yes, there were times during the past 542 million years when it was much hotter than it is now, but there were also times when it was much colder.  It is unavoidable to conclude that we will almost certainly soon have another interval when it will be much colder than it presently is.  In fact, the current levelling-off of the global average annual temperature trend (something that no self-respecting climate alarmist dares to tell the public about) could well signify the beginning of that cold period to come.

  • EIR (Executive Intelligence Review) Science, March 2, 2007
    True C02 Record Buried Under Gore
    by Laurence Hecht, Editor, 21st Century Science & Technology

    From the article:

The historical record of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, claimed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as the justification for greenhouse gas reduction, is a fraud. Research by a Freiburg, Germany professor, Ernst-Georg Beck of the Merian-Schule, shows that the IPCC construed and concocted the pre-1957 CO2 record from measurements on recently drilled ice cores, ignoring more than 90,000 direct measurements [of atmospheric CO2] by chemical methods from 1857 to 1957.1 .... (Full Article — 410 kB PDF file, off-site)

1. "180 years accurate CO2 air gas analysis by chemical methods (short version)," an unofficial extract, Dipl. Biol. Ernst-Georg Beck, Merian-Schule Freiburg, 8/2006 [http://www.climatepolice.com/Co2_report.pdf], and private communication.

Note: Ferdinand Engelbeen has justified and somewhat serious reservations about the compilation by Ernst Beck.  He argues that in all likelihood only the minimum values compiled by Ernst Beck should have been used and that those do not vary much from the values measured in ice cores.

  • The Great Global-Warming Swindle

    Written & directed by Martin Durkin
    A Wag TV Production for [UK] Channel 4
    © 2007 Wag TV

    Accessible at video.google.co.uk (A better-quality version of the video can be downloaded at that URL as well) [Update 2007 03 29: I just tried to see whether that link at video.google.com still works.  It doesn't! A better URL that will most likely stay in operation for far longer is this one: The Great Global Warming Swindle. ]

    About 1 hour and 13 minutes

According to a group of scientists [leading climate researchers from throughout the world] brought together by documentary-maker Martin Durkin, if the planet is heating up, it isn't your fault and there's nothing you can do about it.

We've almost begun to take it for granted that climate change is a man-made phenomenon. But just as the environmental lobby think they've got our attention, a group of naysayers have emerged to slay the whole premise of global warming.

It is not likely that the video by Martin Durkin will turn the tide of the propaganda war for the promotion of the global-warming hype and hysteria. 
   As if it followed Hitler's prescription for what constitutes successful propaganda for a single cause, the global warming hype has become all-pervasive, ever-present and "the one truth" that the purveyors of the global-warming hysteria wish the masses to believe in. 
   Failing any intervention by outside forces, such as that by the Allied Forces against Hitler, the global-warming hysteria is now burning so brightly that nothing will stop it anymore until it has burned itself out.  In that process it consumes far more of the world's economic resources than humanity can afford to lose.  Thereby it causes on a global scale, through economic stagnation and literal starvation, the deaths of far greater numbers of people than Hitler managed to kill directly and indirectly.
   Worse yet, the economic consequences of the global-warming hype are being imposed by the developed nations on the developing nations, earning the developed nations hatred and perhaps worse from the suffering developing nations.  Regardless of the outcomes of those developments, this time it is not likely that any of the guilty will be brought to trial.  They therefore continue to lie with impunity and without fear.

Aside from that, the group of naysayers that allegedly "emerged to slay the whole premise of global warming" did so not just now but has done so already for quite a few years.  They achieved over the years nothing more than to put a few tiny dents and almost invisible scratches into the shining and apparently invincible armor of the global-warming hype.

The truth by itself will not win against all-out propaganda.  For the truth to win requires that our education systems (including the media) spend more time and effort promoting the truth than they do in promoting propagandistic lies.

  • Liar, liar, pants on fire

Suzuki walks out of AM640 after global warming debate

AM640 Toronto Radio
Feb, 15 2007 - 3:20 PM

TORONTO - Turns out noted environmental activist Dr David Suzuki isn't as mild mannered as you may have thought. He stormed out of our studios this morning after a debate with host John Oakley over the merits of the Kyoto Accord. Suzuki says whether the Harper government agrees or not, Canada is already on board with the plan. Oakley says he welcomes all voices in the debate. Suzuki countered by asking if he'd welcome a creationist to chat about evolution. (Full Article)

In that interview Suzuki claimed that global warming "nay-sayers" are "shilling" for "the fossil-fuel industry", and that his foundation is funded by private individuals.  The truth is quite different.

Suzuki also claimed in that interview that 2,500 scientists signed the IPCC "report".  However, the "report" was actually signed by only 51 individuals (not all of them scientists).  Moreover, the "report" referred to by Suzuki is a summary of  the IPCC report.  The IPCC report that it summarizes has not yet been published and is scheduled for publication in July of this year.  Is that perhaps to provide enough time to make its conclusions fit the IPCC "summary" - a political statement - that has been in the news for the last little while? (Check: Global warming charlatan)

I received a request for a donation from the David Suzuki Foundation.  He would be so proud — I recycled it.

Edmonton Journal, Mar. 2007. Venting

  • Don't ruin economy over tiny temp rise

Chicago Sun-Times Columnist

Chicago Sun-Times
February 11, 2007

Mark Steyn is not too impressed by the IPCC's recent publishing of a "summary" on a climate change report awaiting to be published only a few months from now.  He writes:

 Our Thought For The Week comes from the Boston Globe's Ellen Goodman: "I would like to say we're at a point where global warming is impossible to deny. Let's just say that global warming deniers are now on a par with Holocaust deniers, though one denies the past and the other denies the present and future."

That would be yours truly: the climate holocaust denier. ...

It bothers Mark Steyn just a tiny wee bit that global warming during the last century has not yet added up to more than about a 1°F increase in annual average temperatures, and yet many people the world over have their knickers in a knot over global warming, but you better read the full story.

  • Lying For Justice [so as to vilify human progress — ed.]

By William Gairdner, PhD.

We have heard so much over the years about how humans are a cancer on the face of the Earth.  Not only that, but we hear constantly that humans are the only living beings who pollute the environment, that to kill unborn children is one of the best method for bringing the escalating crime rates under control (Henry Morgentaler, Canada's premier abortionist), and that to save the environment it is absolutely necessary to bring the human population levels down to where they were before Columbus travelled to America or, better yet, to eradicate humanity altogether.
   Here is a view that counters all of those arguments against human nature and against human existence. The view deals with nothing new, just things that environmental extremists did their best all along to suppress by not even coming close to mentioning them. Full Story (off-site)

  • Doomsday Called Off

Sunday November 27, 2005 at 7pm ET on CBC Newsworld

Given its full and all-out support of the hype in connection with the announcement of the IPCC's 2007 report on global warming, it is incredible that in its Nov. 2005 newsreport the CBC presented information on the objective science of global climate trends.
   It seems very unwise for a national news organization to present in one year the cold, hard and objective global-warming science and not quite two years later global-warming catastrophe propaganda that almost entirely contradicts its earlier objective report.
   It makes one think that the asylum has been taken over by its inmates, but check the video files of the 2005 CBC program that are entirely in accord with the global warming information compiled in the Bruderheim REA's web pages on global warming.

Links to the 2005 CBC newsworld program

Doomsday called off (1/5)
Doomsday called off (2/5)
Doomsday called off (3/5)
Doomsday called off (4/5)
Doomsday called off (5/5)

The truth presented in the preceding program was then wiped out by the CBC's propagandistic Feb. 2007 refutation of the truth:

Climate change

An 'unequivocal' truth

Global warming is man-made — and getting worse, scientists conclude

 (Full Story)

Dear CBC, especially Peter Mansbridge, you violate one of the first principles of successful propaganda.  When you tell lies you must tell them persistently and without flinching.  Never tell the truth one day and a lie opposing that truth the next day.  To do otherwise destroys your credibility:

Wer einmal lügt dem glaubt man nicht,
und wenn er auch die Wahrheit spricht.

That German-language maxim translated into the much more efficient English becomes:

Once a liar, always a liar.

  • Climate Experts Speak Out in New Video - Science underlying Kyoto Protocol seriously flawed

Climate Catastrophe Cancelled: What You're Not Being Told About the Science of Climate Change

A press release (with links to video files that are a must-see) by researchers at the University of Calgary, in cooperation with the Friends of Science Society (original date of release 2005 04 13) Full Story (off-site)

By Sherwood, Keith and Craig Idso
Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change
Editorial Commentary
Volume 6, Number 37: 10 September 2003

...[T]wo scientists from the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of the Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences challenge the politically-correct global warming dogma that vexes the entire world.  Bashkirtsev and Mashnich (2003) say that "a number of publications report that the anthropogenic impact on the Earth's climate is an obvious and proven fact," when in actuality, in their opinion, "none of the investigations dealing with the anthropogenic impact on climate convincingly argues for such an impact."....

In light of these several sets of real-world observations, we would not be at all surprised to find that Bashkirtsev and Mashnich will indeed be proven correct in their prediction of imminent, if not already-in-progress, global cooling.

  • Long-Range U.S. Drought Forecast (2003 03 17)

    Dr. Theodor Landscheidt from the Schroeter Institute for Research in Cycles of Solar Activity predicts that it will remain dry until 2007, upon which there will be seven to eight years of wet weather followed by another dry period that will peak in the 2025-2030 interval.   There are good reasons to believe the prediction.  Unlike the general circulation models used by climate alarmists, Dr. Landscheidt's forecasting technique produced other predictions that were right on the nose.  Moreover, his technique accurately simulates the climate the way it was – going back to the year 1900, a level of accuracy that the climate alarmists still only dream of and hope to be able to achieve if only they were to receive increased funding from our hard-earned tax-dollars. More

  • Junk Science, by William Gairdner

Why do teachers so often force-feed kids one-sided facts and theories about the world? Wouldn't education be much more stimulating if schools focused on broad underlying debates, instead of assumed dogma?
     For example, over the years my children have all gotten scary lectures on "global warming." They learn that global temperatures could rise 5 to 10 degrees celsius in the next fifty years mostly because of burning fossil fuels. Polar ice-caps could melt. Oceans might flood coastal cities. No wonder kids want to be tucked in at night!
     A thorough teacher would have told them this was just one dismal theory; there is no convincing scientific proof of global warming. In a 1993 poll of U.S. meteorologists, 49%  said there has been no global warming, 33% said "don't know," and only 18% thought there had been some. While we have more carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere than a few decades ago, we had a ton more a few million years ago - and maybe could use a lot more: global warming would be a boon to food production worldwide....

  • Weather reports that the global-warming alarmists rather would neither have published nor read, but even if they can't avoid them, they would most likely blame them on global warming anyway.

  • Thought Control — Having offended advocacy researchers, being contrary to political correctness, having stirred up a hornet's nest or gone against the rules of environmental politics used by the Greenies — whatever the cause may be, Bjorn Lomborg, author of The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World, a book declared by some people to be "... probably the most important book on the environment ever written", is being severely and unjustly attacked and criticized in a witch hunt by the liberal-oriented Scientific American and other climate alarmists.
        Moreover, the "Danish Committee on Scientific Dishonesty (DCSD) has found that [Bjorn Lomborg is] "systematically one-sided" in a decision handed down 7 January 2003."  The DCSD based its decision solely on the unsubstantiated and uncorroborated critiques published by the Scientific American.  See Bjorn Lomborg's response to the collection of hostile articles by the Scientific American. (Jan. 4, 2002; PDF file, 151 kB). 
        It appears that if someone tells the scientific truth and nothing but the truth, the Scientific American will vilify him in an ad-hominem attack, and the Danish Committee on Scientific Dishonesty will find him guilty of being systematically one-sided.   It seems that the DCSD finds fault with Bjorn Lomborg for being one-sidedly honest and so inflexible that, unlike the Scientific American critics, he doesn't lie even a little, not even inadvertently.  What has the world come to?  Being objective and honest in the reporting of scientific endeavors is now a crime!
       The Economist calls the efforts of the climate alarmists to tar and feather Bjorn Lomborg's reputation and credibility "Orwellian" and states that "The panel's ruling—objectively speaking—is incompetent and shameful", in a January 9, 2003 article titled "Thought Control".

The causes of the Orwellian aspects of the conflict between climate alarmists on the one hand and objective researchers and writers on the other, are explained very well by Onar Åm in an e-mail message dated February 3, 2000.  The intensification of the war between the climate alarmists and the promoters of truth and objectivity that Onar Åm foretold would happen is taking place right now.
   Bjorn Lomborg is right in the midst of a heated battle between objective science and good-old 19th-century-type fascism, not the Nazi-type fascism but the type that puts the perceived good of Nature – corroborated with facts or not – above the human good, at any cost.  That 19th-century fascism wants to stop the progress of science and technology, even at the cost of human progress, and even if it means the eradication of humanity or having humanity return to the stone age.  It is a war by the Luddites and the Saboteurs against technological progress all over again.  Some of the more radical factions of the Greenies use even identical tactics against comparable targets.

You may think that global warming or, better, the ratification of the Kyoto accord that our Leader, Jean Chrétien and his Liberal Party, threatens to have passed by Parliament before Christmas and ram down our throats will have little impact on you or your family. You would be seriously wrong in thinking that.
   Gwyn Morgan, president and CEO of Encana Corp., stated in a letter to Jean Chrétien that the Kyoto accord is "one of the most damaging international agreements ever signed by a Canadian Prime Minister."

  • Blame sun for global warming: Science proving that industry is off the hook for Mother Nature's woes, by Lorne Gunter, EDMONTON JOURNAL, Sunday 2 December 2001, p. A18

Index to more of Lorne Gunter's articles on global warming and the Kyoto accord

  • The first casualty of political war

The Report Newsmagazine, 10-21-2002, Up Front, by Colby Cosh

  • Eco-global cross-purposes

The Report Newsmagazine, 10-21-2002, Up Front, by Colby Cosh

On September 17, an atmospheric scientist for the Australian government, Paul Fraser, declared that he expects the infamous "ozone hole" over the Antarctic to be closed by 2050 as humankind reduces its output of the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which have been steadily replaced in refrigeration systems worldwide under the 1987 Montreal Protocol. But could it be happening sooner than expected? Thirteen days later, the U.S.'s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced that the "hole" (actually just a thinning of the ozone layer that protects life on earth from solar radiation) had shrunk dramatically and actually split into two smaller holes....

See the movie accessible at the NASA website via the following links.  The shrinking of the "ozone hole" is truly astounding.  What is even more amazing is a corresponding massive increase in atmospheric ozone right next to the vanishing "ozone hole".

View an MPEG movie (2 Mbytes) or a QuickTime movie (10 Mbytes) of the 2001 and 2002 ozone holes side-by-side from September 22 through October 6 for each of the two years.

Isn't it very odd that we saw nothing about that in the media?  Does that mean that good news is not news worth reporting? Still, the "ozone hole" is not a hole.  It is a reduction in the ozone in the atmosphere in the area over and surrounding the South Pole that reaches its peak in September and October.  The ozone content of the atmosphere is by no means uniform over all areas of the globe and varies considerably with the seasons.
   Censorship of anti-climate-alarmist scientific news about the global environment is common-place in the media.  Take the fact that the news about the non-existent ozone hole is old news.  It has been know since 1994 and before that the ozone-hole alarm was a mistake, perhaps even a hoax, based on false premises:

New Scientific Evidence Proves Ozone Depletion Theory False

New scientific evidence continues to demonstrate that the ozone depletion models -and the resulting ban on CFCs- are based on a Big Lie

By Rogelio Maduro


A 2002 press release by the Christian Heritage Party goes as follows:

COMMUNIQUÉ of the CHRISTIAN HERITAGE PARTY of CANADA, Volume 9 No.11 - Mar.18, 2002


Three recent news items give Canada good reason to re-examine the Kyoto Accord on climate change:

The BBC reports that there is a growing group of scientists who question:

  1. whether global warming is happening,

  2. if it is, whether human activity is primarily responsible, and

  3. whether the Kyoto Accords would be effective in dealing with the problem - if one exists.

Most climate measurements are taken from weather stations near major cities, and those cities are massive sources of heat, which can and often does distort the temperature readings taken there. Space-based readings from satellites show much less heat buildup, and in any case, the pattern of increase that has been recorded on earth's surface goes back well over a century - long before the post WW II industrial explosion.

In addition, NASA reports that the polar ice caps are melting - on Mars.  It's unlikely that this is caused by too many people driving SUVs; but it could be caused by increased solar flare activity - in which case, "global warming" is a misnomer, and we might be looking at "solar system warming", not caused by human activity at all.

Finally, there's question whether the anti-industrial strategies of Kyoto will be effective at all - especially if emerging nations, with their huge and growing populations, refuse to sign on.

The Canadian Association of Manufacturers warns that implementing the Kyoto Accords could cost Canada 450,000 jobs.  Canada's major trading partner, the United States, has refused to implement the Kyoto Accords; that could wreak further economic havoc on Canada if we proceeded alone.

Nevertheless, it makes sense on the intuitive level that increased industrial activity could significantly affect the environment, and concern for stewardship of the earth - and our desire to leave the world to our children and grandchildren in a condition at least as good as we received it - should indeed motivate us to study the issue more closely.

There are ways in which Canada could pioneer changes that would enable industrial growth in the emerging nations without harming the environment.

Brazil, for example, has made a major shift away from petroleum-based fuels to renewable energy sources that are cleaner-burning i.e. ethanol. Such a change in Canada could set a pattern that would preserve petroleum reserves for higher uses, such a petrochemical manufacturing, help the United States get free from reliance on Middle East oil - which is a major focus of the power manipulations of Wahabbi Islamist radicals like al-Qaida, and benefit the environment. In addition, such a shift would eventually provide a stable market for more than 30,000 family-sized farms right here in Canada.

It's an area of research into which Canada ought to invest major resources - and soon.

By RON GRAY [email protected]

CHP National Leader

It is not very likely to happen that Canada will devote major resources to research into global warming.  After all, if the Canadian Federal Government were truly concerned, what would be better than to measure the weather in the Arctic, where all of that permafrost is supposed to be melting.  If the government were truly concerned, would it shut down weather monitoring stations in many northern locations? 
   In the 1950s Canada had about 15 permanent weather monitoring stations in the Arctic.  Today only five remain, and the Federal Government announced recently that it will shut down some more of those.  Will one or two weather stations in the Canadian Arctic be enough?  Well, we didn't have them for most of the 10,000 years civilization has been around, and life went on anyway, and people still had to pay their taxes. 
   There was a time when ten percent taxation caused people to revolt or emigrate, whereas today we are quite content that 57 percent and more of our average income going to the governments is a reasonable figure, so why not cut a corner with the weather stations here and there.  Won't that keep our taxes from going up?
   Canada always had lousy weather: nine months of winter and three months of poor sledding, but it was quite attractive to the first settlers.  It had no income tax returns, low taxes, playing cards for money, and for about 200 years no lawyers.   Still, the Canadian weather was always so extreme that Canadians never quit talking about it since they got here.  Two extremes describe the Canadian weather:

In Summer skeeters bite your nose. 
In Winter nose and toes get froze.

It gets worse after that, and so does our taxation.

How to deal with Greenpeace
Courtesy Tim Rotheisler & The REPORT


* The Winnipeg Free Press, Sept. 21, p. A-15, reference to the possibility of Saddam Hussein's production of weapons of mass destruction; Quoted in Peter Warren's Stupidest Canadian Comment Contest (as of Nov. 23, 2002 Jean Chretien's comments ranked #1)

Further Reading:

At the United Nations, the Curious Career of Maurice Strong

Fox News, Thursday, February 08, 2007

Fight Kyoto

by Ezra Levant

Book information

Interview with Ezra Levant, author of the new book Fight Kyoto, transcript by J. L. Jackson, broadcast December 9, 2002 on the Cat Country Radio show Agritalk with Jim Fisher.

Make sure you do not miss the excerpt that deals with Maurice Strong, the real power behind Kyoto: "Maurice Strong: A Dr. Evil-style strategist. Owner of a 200,000-acre New Age Zen colony [in Colorado]. Designer of a proposal to "consider" requiring licences to have babies. The architect of the Kyoto Protocol." It is an eye-opener, especially the strong ties to the powers in Canadian politics. For example: Maurice Strong gave Paul Martin his first job during university break "and made him and his family unimaginably rich."

At Ezra Levant's website there are more links to articles that are based on excerpts from his book.

International Man of Mystery: Who Is Maurice Strong?
The adventures of Maurice Strong & Co. illustrate the fact that nowadays you don't have to be a household name to wield global power. ...

Meet Maurice Strong
Maurice Strong: The new guy in your future! By Henry Lamb January, 1997....
Maurice Strong, "Stockholm to Rio: A Journey Down a Generation."

Maurice Strong, Co-founder and Chairman Emeritus of the Earth Council
Earth Council Alliance

Strong, Maurice F., 1929- . Papers, 1948-2000: Guide
Harvard University Library

Dossier - Maurice Strong
... Policy Research. Maurice Strong. Maurice Strong is a senior advisor to United Nations' Secretary General Kofi Anan.

The Earth Charter's Unholy Ark

With today's emphasis on "honoring the past and imagining the future," many see nothing wrong with redesigning the "memories" of the past to reflect their vision of the future. Many environmental visionaries have called for "new stories" that replace the old truths and redirect our values. The message in this new ark serves the purpose well. It puts new meaning into old memories and usurps the honor inherent in the original. But that's part of the UN plan. There is little appreciation for God's law and His treasured covenant (the binding agreement He made with His people long ago) in our pluralistic, postmodern age.

To fill the vacuum, even staunch Communists such as Mikhail Gorbachev call for spiritual revival. They envision a union of religions, all molded and conformed to a global, earth-centered spirituality. The gods, spirits and pantheistic forces of indigenous religions fit right in. Long a promoter of the Earth Charter and its socialist regulations, the former Soviet ruler knows well that strategic visual images inspire the masses and speed transformation. [See The State of the World according to Gorbachev]

So does Maurice Strong, the powerful founder and leader of the Earth Council. Though usually hidden behind the scenes, Strong is no minor player in this global contest for the minds of the masses. He led the UN Environmental Programme, directed the 1972 and 1992 UN Conferences on the Environment and Development, founded Planetary Citizens, directed the World Future Society and founded and co-chaired the World Economic Forum. He is a member of the Club of Rome, trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation and Aspen Institute, a member of the UN Commission on Global Governance, and Senior Advisor to the World Bank as well as to UN Secretary General Kofi Anan [See Towards A Rapid Reaction Capability for the UN].

The Earth Charter
The Earth Charter and the Ark of the Gaia Covenant. Copyright © Terry Melanson.

"The real goal of the Earth Charter is that it will in fact become like the Ten Commandments."

— Maurice Strong

Earth Charter displayed at United Nations

In 1987, the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development issued a call for creation of a new charter that would set forth fundamental principles for sustainable development. The drafting of an Earth Charter was part of the unfinished business of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit.
In 1994 Maurice Strong, the secretary general of the Earth Summit and chair of the Earth Council, and Mikhail Gorbachev, president of Green Cross International, launched a new Earth Charter initiative with support from the Dutch government. An Earth Charter Commission was formed in 1997 to oversee the project and an Earth Charter Secretariat was established at the Earth Council in Costa Rica.

Update 2005 06 17:

2. Is the right to water a new concept within human rights’ legislature?
The right to water is explicitly enshrined in two UN human rights treaties - the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, as well in one regional treaty – the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child. The Geneva Conventions guarantee the protection of this right during armed conflict.
In addition, the right to water is an implicit part of the right to an adequate standard of living and the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, both of which are protected by the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
However, some states continue to deny the legitimacy of this right. In light of this fact and because of the widespread non-compliance of States with their obligations regarding the right to water, the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights confirmed and further defined the right to water in its General Comment No. 15.

Adopted on 26 November 2002, this document provides guidelines for States Parties on the interpretation of this right under two articles of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights - Article 11 (the right to an adequate standard of living) and Article 12 (the right to health).  [Source]

It makes one wonder.  Do only women and children have a right to water and to clean water?  But then CEDAW is not about women's rights, it is about disfranchising men, and the Conventions on the Rights of the Child are not about the rights of children, they are about disfranchising parents, with both of those objectives serving to implement the agenda for the planned destruction of the family, so that out of the resulting rubble of civilization a global socialist totalitarian state can be constructed.

Canada's Commitment to Earth Worship at the Roots of Rapid Change to Canadian Law

An exploration of the history of the relationship between Maurice Strong and Paul Martin.  Maurice Strong gave Paul Martin his his first job during summer vacation in university, hired him for Power Corporation Canada Ltd. after Martin finished university, and offered Martin a sweetheart deal, the purchase of Canada Steamship Lines, that made the Martin family unbelievably rich.
   Importantly, the article identifies Paul Martin's commitment to support the plan by Maurice Strong, Michael Gorbachev, Kofi Anan and Stephen Rockefeller to impose a universal religion of Earth worship on the world population.  The new-age religion is to replace all others.
   The Canadian government provided millions of dollars in funding for the development and goals of Maurice Strong's new-age religion.  The Canadian federal government also provided a $161 million in contracts to Canadian Steamship Lines, a corporation that has most of its fleet of about 50 ships registered in Barbados and Liberia and that uses shoddy labour practices

Next Page: Weather forecasts by people who have an axe to grind

Posted 2002 04 08
2002 07 13 (made minor edits)
2002 09 04 (added footnote pertaining to El Niño and a reference to an article by Lorne Gunter relating to the impact of the Kyoto accord on the economy of Alberta)
2002 09 06 (inserted references to solar cycle information)
2002 09 14 (inserted graph showing surface temperature record in the Sargasso Sea)
2002 09 15 (added section on additional references)
2002 09 24 (added comments pertaining to the advance of Hubbard Glacier, Yakutat Bay, Alaska; and elaborated on the information pertaining to sand dunes)
2002 10 28 (inserted link to more of Lorne Gunter's articles on global warming and on the Kyoto accord)
2002 10 30 (inserted reference to Kyoto and Canadian Families)
2002 11 16 (added link to information about the truth and about the shrinking "ozone hole".)
2002 11 23 (added Jean Chretien's definition of 'proof')
2003 01 09 (added link to weather reports on cold-snap in Europe and Asia)
2003 01 11 (added reference to an article in the Economist that crticizes the efforts by the climate alarmists to discredit Bjorn Lomborg and his book The Skeptic Environmentalist)
2003 01 26 (added reference to article about CRISTA and lack or better, distortion of  evidence of ozone hole)
2007 02 23 (added "further reading" list)
2007 03 19 (added reference to The Great Global-Warming Swindle)
2007 04 13 (added reference to 2005 CBC Newsworld program Doomsday Called Off)
2007 04 26 (added reference to The Past and Future of Climate)
2007 12 08 (added entry for Gallery of Temperature Change Data)
2010 03 24 (added link to Ferdinand Engelbeen's critique of Ernst Beck's evaluation of historical CO2 measurements)
2010 07 02 (added entry for David Archibald's debunking of climate alarmism based on AGW)